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Saturday, January 15, 2011

More Beautiful You....Week 1

Hey guys! So I'm thinking this is only going to take 2 So I've decided that Im only go to give some brief summaries and then maybe go a little in depth at the end. First of all the More Beautiful You DEVO is AMAZING! I love it.
One thing I've noticed is it focuses on the world's version of beauty vs God's vs what have we percieved it all as. Did you know that in the Bible women are mentioned as "pretty" or "beautiful" or "fair to look upon" but none of their physical features were ever actually described...the Bible only ever uses spiritual and emotional descriptions (other than the one's listed above) So physically we have no idea what the Bible's "perfect woman" looks like. The reason for this is because 1) inner beauty matters more to God and 2) because not one of those women were the same size, shape, had the same type of hair, or the same bra size....they shared virtually none of these things (I'm sure some traits were shared between 1 or 2 of them) yet they were all considered extremely beautiful. The world has a very specific definition of beauty and it is unatainable no matter how much we (no matter how much I) try.
Another thing is everyday you write down something that you absolutly hate about yourself...and then you hand it over to God (this is extremely hard!!!!!!) but if I would just really do would work. Eating disorders have been a part of my life (thankfully on an extremely small scale!) and this DEVO adressess covers everything.
One thing they suggest is watch 30 minutes of your favorite TV show and take notes!!! Keep track of the show's defifnition of Beauty...then when you're done compare that to the world's definition and then to God's. Think about does the show affect your self-esteem and your idea of beauty. What type of ideals are putting in your head by watching this?!?!? All in all this DEVO is great and I can't wait to do more of it!

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