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Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mac Lucado book expert "A Love Worth Giving"

Holah Ladies and Gents.
Soooo...on wens. night at church we're doing the DEVO A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. Anyway tonight we read something that just really stood out to me and paints a vivid image of what Christ really went through for me it just blew me away and really touched base with me. I dont think Im breaking any copy right laws or anything....I hope not (sorry Max! if I am) it is.
"Such love isn't easy. Not for you. Not for me. not even for Jesus. Want proof? Listen to his frustration: 'You people have no faith. How long must I stay with you? How long must I put up with you?' (Mark 9:19)
 Even the son of God was handed plates of 'croak-ra' and 'gasp-aragus.' To know Jesus asked such a question reassures us. But to hear how he answered will change us.
How long must I put up with you?
'Long enough to be called crazy by my brothers and a liar by my neighbors. Long enough to be run out of my town and my Temple. Long enough to be laughed at, cursed, slapped, hit, blindfolded, and mocked. Long enough to feel warm spit and sharp whips and see my own blood puddle at my feet.'
How long?
'Until the rooster sings and the sweat stings and the mallet rings and a hillside of demons smirk at a dying God.'
How long?
'Long enough for every sin to so soak my sinless soul that heaven will turn in horror until my swollen lips pronounce the final transaction : 'It is finished.''
How long?
'Until it kills me.'
Jesus bore all things, believed all things, hoped all things, and endured all things. Every single one."
If that doesn't paint an amazing picture of what Christ did for us in your head then I don't know what will.
If that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, then I don't know what will.
If that doesn't make you want to strive to live your life in a way that will represent God so that you might possiblygive him the smallest fraction of what he gave you, then I don't know what will.
Think about it...Christ did all of that for you, and you complain because tellin strangers that Jesus loves them is akward. I know...I do it to. But hopefully at the very least this will make you stop, think, pray, say thank you, just do something.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Huckleberry Finn a Disgrace to My Face

Okay guys! So...before I get officially started I must add my disclaimer. I am not racist and I do not approve of the use of racist "slang" or derogatory terms. Okay now, If you didn't know this, there is a new issue of Huckleberry Finn coming out where they are going to remove the "N" word and the word "Injun" my personal opinion the shouldn't do this. Okay there is a difference between Mark Twain using these words and if I were to go out and write a story using these words. It was an everyday part of his life and culture. I mean remiving these words from a Mark Twain book is like removing the word "wench" from Shakespear no you don't do it! Now here is where I'm going to be called a hypocrite....I hate reading books that cuss espacially books that use the "F" word or "Gd" and I think those should be removed. I know that sounds hypocritical....but those words are uneccessary they don't prove a point. Now, if you were are writing a book I don't think you should use the "N" word because it's offensive...and it's not part of our culture today or whatever you wanna say. Point being by removing these words we are destroying classic literature! Its wrong...its almost as bad as banning books, or book burning, or something equally disgraceful. This is classic Literature people....If people weren't bothered enough by it when it was written to change it then we shouldn't change it now! Also there is a difference between someone writing a book and it being sent back to them and being all change these words they are offensie, but you don't take a Classic Book and edit it because it's suddenly offensive. We have bigger issues.....hey when I read books if I find something offenseive I either A) Don't read it or B) if it's my own book I use white out, lol. Steven Crowder should adress this issue....ha-ha! So yeah.....this is just another for of making everything so sickenly politically correct. So please do yourself a favor read the orginal Huckleberry Finn....or don't read it at all, but please avoid this "revised"'s not revised, its destroyed.