I sit in the corner and watch as the scars wrap themselves around my arms
They are vines twisting and gripping
Threatening to never let go
They promise to hold
Hold me close
I scream, I am trapped
Trapped in myself, never able to get out
I am a prisoner on Calypso’s Island
I am Calypso and I am trapped
Inside of myself
To get out would be a dream come true
To get out would be a lie
Stuck here forever I must stay
Until the day I die
To live forever would be a curse
To die would be much worse
I do not know nor can I tell
What awaits on the other side
I pray to God
I scream his name
I’m begging him for help
And through the darkness shines a light
A light I’ve never known
It speaks my name
It shakes my soul
It promises to help
I grab the light
I hold on tight
My scars begin to fade
My heart once ice
Now beats with blood
And youth and joy
And hope
I feel so bright
So full of love
I feel so clean
So new
No more dark nights
No more goodbyes
No more hating you
For I’m forgiven
I’m made new
And some things I leave behind
Shards of glass and hatred
Pieces of my life
For now I have a hope eternal
For now I have new life
So Goodbye island
Goodbye I say
And from the vines I flee
Goodbye to my desperate screams
And goodbye to my struggles
I won’t be coming back you see
Because I have been made free