Vivint is a company that deals with home living, appliances, and green living. I don't know much about the company I'm just going off of what their add says. However, what I do know about Vivint is that they're hosting the Vivint Gives Back Project. It's kind of like Pepsi Refresh, there's a list of a ton of charities and people vote for a charity of their choice and whatever charity wins gets over a million dollars to help with their organization. A charity that I really want to help out is Courage To Be You. I don't know if you've heard of them but they're a Christian organization based right here in the United States and their main focus is to rescue girls out of sex trafficking and give them housing and support. Abortion and Sex Trafficking are the two things that I am most passionate about. However, I've been fairlu active in the pro-life movement but I was never really sure how to play a role in helping victims of sex trafficking well here's where I start. C2BY is in 68th place right now...they need all the voted they can get. I know that all of these charities are important and matter but I really believe that Courage To Be You is a charity worth giving to and helping out.
You can vote for C2BY here for the next 3 weeks and you can vote once a day everyday! Also if you want to know more about C2BY or check them out before voting for them go here. Please vote at least once. This really means a lot to me. Thanks and God Bless!